
Throughout the COVID-19 epidemic, we are offering pay-what-you-can herbal care check-in’s via video or phone. Herbal formula drop-offs are available. Please email or to set up an appointment.

To book an appointment, please email us at, or call Uma at (216) 223-8621

One-On-One Herbal Consultation – An initial, 90 minute consultation costs $120 (on a pay-what-you-can basis). Follow-up consultations are 45 minutes and cost $60. An herbal regimen can be tailored to your budget, typically costing $20-60 a month.

‘Pay What You Can’ Consults – Stonefruit wants herbal care to be accessible to our entire community. Sliding scale appointments are available upon request. Please book with Jocelyn. (You can leave a note when you book, or let her know at the time of the appointment.)

30 Minute Care Check – A 30 minute care check is is good for acute conditions: colds, flus, or other acute illnesses, injuries (that don’t require immediate medical care) or for quick check ins. These appointments are also available for those wanting a specific herb or herbal formula. 30 minute care checks can be done in person or over the phone, and cost $35, plus the cost of herbs.

Herbal House Call – An herbal house call is a home visit from an herbalist when you or your family members feel too sick or are in too much pain to go out of the house. House calls are for acute situations only. An herbalist will take a comprehensive look at your symptoms and formulate an herbal protocol. A visit costs $100-200 sliding scale, plus the cost of herbs.

Somatic Experiencing Advanced Level Sessions – Jocelyn is trained at the Advanced level of Somatic Experiencing which is taught in three tiers. As an advanced practitioner, Jocelyn has completed all of the Somatic Experiencing trainings and is working towards completing the requirements for her SEP. Somatic experiencing sessions work to build your own body awareness, nervous system resilience, repair boundary ruptures, and reduce triggers. These sessions, lasting one hour are being offered on a sliding scale $20-65. To schedule a session, please send an email to Jocelyn at

What is herbalism?

Herbalism is the practice of using plants for health and wellness. Herbalism is used to bring an individual back into balance to promote health, rather than to treat specific symptoms. Herbalism seeks to find the root causes of imbalances in the body and generally applies an integrated view of physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual health.

What can I expect at an herbal consultation?

Consultations take place in a confidential space with you and the herbalist. During this time, you can discuss health concerns you have, or aspects of your health and well-being that youʼd like to change or learn more about. The herbalist will often ask about a variety of topics related to your health (such as feelings, lifestyle, sleep, or diet) to try to get the fullest picture possible of you as a complete being. The conversation will also include discussion of strategies for a health plan, which may include the use of herbs, food or lifestyle techniques. Depending on the health questions involved or your desires, work may continue over a series of appointments.

After your consultation your herbalist will formulate an herbal protocol for you based on your conversation together. It will either be mixed up that day for you to take home, or if more time is needed-to be picked up at a later date. Your herbalist may recommend a tea, tincture, powder, oil blend, or salve, as well as nutritional suggestions. Pricing for herbs range from $20 – $60 per month. Our goal is to make these herbal formulas affordable, so let us know if you have financial concerns regarding the cost of your herbs. Refills can be arranged through email or over the phone.

In general, we recommend a follow-up consultation three-weeks after you begin taking your herbal formula/s. Your follow-up consultation will allow you to check in regarding your progress and will give you an opportunity to reflect on your healing journey.

The number of follow-up visits will vary depending on your individual health goals. For general wellness, two to three follow-up visits are recommended. For chronic or more complicated health concerns, more follow-up visits may be necessary.

Most clients will need to stay on an herbal formula for 3-6 months depending on the nature of the imbalance and how chronic the pattern is. Our goal is to help your body heal so you can ease off of your herbal formulas and continue on your path to wellness.

What should I bring?

  • A notebook to take notes
  • A list of questions you might have
  • A friend/advocate, if that would make you feel more comfortable
  • Your completed registration form and health history, if you were able to print it and fill it out
  • If applicable, you should bring a list of any medications or supplements you are currently taking.
  • Any recent diagnosis or any relevant lab tests
  • If this is a follow up appointment, please bring any empty bottles or bags for reuse or recycling.
  • Let us know in advance if you have any specific needs or considerations.